Associations to the word «Ymir»
- Odin
- Giant
- Frost
- Stanza
- Thor
- Progenitor
- Mythology
- Hulk
- Loki
- Cosmos
- Dwarf
- Flesh
- Manu
- Skull
- Cow
- Void
- Avenger
- Myth
- Freak
- Milk
- Troll
- Mir
- Zeus
- Eyebrow
- Abode
- Terra
- Creation
- Sweat
- Killing
- Sea
- Earth
- Ancestor
- Blood
- Ice
- Marvel
- Grandson
- Bone
- Sprang
- Ill
- Heaven
- Miles
- Sky
- Cloud
- Spider
- Proportion
- Conception
- Universe
- Descendant
- Wound
- God
- Poem
- British
- Quantity
- Witch
- Element
- Conservative
- Gap
- Columbia
- Race
- Root
- Brain
- Component
- Chance
- Nelson
- Brother
YMIR, proper noun. (astronomy) A moon of Saturn.
Dictionary definition
YMIR, noun. (Norse mythology) the primeval giant slain by Odin and his brothers and from whose body they created the world: the sea from his blood; the earth from his flesh; the mountains from his bones; the sky from his skull.
Wise words
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast
of the mind.