Associations to the word «Yale»


YALE, proper noun. A university in the eastern United States.
YALE, proper noun. A romanisation scheme originating from Yale University.
YALE, proper noun. A romanisation scheme designed for Mandarin.
YALE, proper noun. A romanisation scheme designed for Cantonese.
YALE, proper noun. A romanisation scheme designed for Japanese.
YALE, proper noun. A romanisation scheme designed for Korean.
YALE, noun. A mythical beast in European mythology and heraldry, usually portrayed as an antelope- or goat-like four-legged creature with large horns that it can swivel in any direction.

Dictionary definition

YALE, noun. A university in Connecticut.
YALE, noun. English philanthropist who made contributions to a college in Connecticut that was renamed in his honor (1649-1721).

Wise words

Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.