Associations to the word «Waxy»
- Starch
- Coating
- Maize
- Texture
- Wax
- Centimeter
- Secretion
- Cholesterol
- Flexibility
- Epsom
- Covering
- Filament
- Substance
- Pale
- Bloom
- Stem
- Sperm
- Petal
- Inflorescence
- Underside
- Solid
- Lipid
- Berry
- Degeneration
- Gland
- Complexion
- Hydrocarbon
- Potato
- Gill
- Buildup
- Whorl
- Whisker
- Herb
- Poole
- Filly
- Skin
- Evaporation
- Stallion
- Leaf
- Racehorse
- Cone
- Newmarket
- Sire
- Tuft
- Candle
- Thick
- Nymph
- Penelope
- Whale
- Plaque
- Insect
- Derby
- Odor
- Paste
- Flower
- Layer
- Precipitate
- Fat
- Yellow
- Cactus
- Whales
WAXY, adjective. Resembling wax in texture or appearance.
WAXY, adjective. (regional) (colloquial) Angry.
WAXY CAP, noun. Any agaric of the family Hygrophoraceae.
WAXY CAPS, noun. Plural of waxy cap
WAXY FLEXIBILITY, noun. A psychomotor symptom of catatonic schizophrenia which leads to a decreased response to stimuli and a tendency to remain in an immobile posture.
WAXY SPLEEN, noun. (pathology) amyloidosis of the spleen
Dictionary definition
WAXY, adjective. Made of or covered with wax; "waxen candles"; "careful, the floor is waxy".
WAXY, adjective. Easily impressed or influenced; "an impressionable youngster"; "an impressionable age"; "a waxy mind".
WAXY, adjective. Capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking; "a flexible wire"; "a pliant young tree".
WAXY, adjective. Having the paleness of wax; "the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor"- Bram Stoker; "the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him"; "a thin face with a waxy paleness".
Wise words
When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it
is unspoken you reign over it.