Associations to the word «Verbatim»
- Conversation
- Text
- Copy
- Speech
- Instruction
- Memory
- Report
- Description
- Transcript
- Quote
- Copying
- Quotation
- Hadith
- Retrieval
- Mitsubishi
- Paragraph
- Book
- Transcription
- Given
- Repeat
- Recitation
- Stanza
- Dialogue
- Extract
- Regulation
- Sampson
- Plaintiff
- Repetition
- Recital
- Attribution
- Passage
- Statute
- Prophet
- Translation
- Reporter
- Muhammad
- Bernstein
- Eloquence
- Dylan
- Phrase
- Proceeding
- Script
- Commentary
- Libretto
- Reprint
- Statement
- Original
- Reporting
- Testimony
- Debate
- Account
- Remark
- Revelation
- Trace
- Interview
- Lecture
- Document
- Charter
- Cue
- Appendix
- Verse
- Preface
- Read
- Tape
- Recall
- Censorship
- Narrative
- Remembering
- Article
VERBATIM, adverb. Word for word; in exactly the same words as were used originally.
VERBATIM, adjective. (of a document) Corresponding with the original word for word.
VERBATIM, adjective. (of a person) Able to take down a speech word for word, especially in shorthand.
VERBATIM, noun. A word-for-word report of a speech.
VERBATIM ET LITERATIM, adverb. (legal) Word-for-word and to the letter.
Dictionary definition
VERBATIM, adverb. Using exactly the same words; "he repeated her remarks verbatim".
VERBATIM, adjective. In precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker; "a direct quotation"; "repeated their dialog verbatim".
Wise words
The difference between the right word and the almost right
word is the difference between lightning and a lightning