Associations to the word «Vanishing»


VANISHING, adjective. That vanishes.
VANISHING, verb. Present participle of vanish
VANISHING CREAM, noun. A moisturizing lotion intended to remove wrinkles.
VANISHING FRACTION, noun. (math) A fraction which reduces to the form \(\frac{0}{0}\) for a particular value of the variable which enters it, usually in consequence of the existence of a common factor in both terms of the fraction, which factor becomes 0 for this particular value of the variable.
VANISHING FRACTIONS, noun. Plural of vanishing fraction
VANISHING POINT, noun. The point in a perspective drawing at which parallel lines receding from an observer seem to converge.
VANISHING POINT, noun. The situation in which, place where, or point in time when some object or phenomenon is no longer observable or notable.
VANISHING SPRAY, noun. A spray substance applied to sports fields in order to mark temporary lines, especially for free kicks in soccer. The marks disappear after a short time.

Dictionary definition

VANISHING, noun. A sudden or mysterious disappearance.
VANISHING, noun. A sudden disappearance from sight.

Wise words

Where words fail, music speaks.
Hans Christian Anderson