Associations to the word «Traverse»
- Turret
- Terrain
- Trail
- Ascent
- Ridge
- Farmland
- Route
- Summit
- Breadth
- Highway
- Path
- Overland
- Parkway
- Gorge
- Pass
- Distance
- Node
- Mountain
- Sioux
- Glacier
- Slope
- Watershed
- Canyon
- Peninsula
- Healy
- Carriage
- Length
- Road
- Stretch
- Elevation
- Canal
- Muzzle
- Travelling
- Packet
- Tunnel
- Portion
- Strait
- Loop
- Chevrolet
- Passage
- Nc
- Gap
- Howitzer
- Lb
- Climber
- Thoroughfare
- Railroad
- Trench
- Plateau
- Escarpment
- Freeway
- Expressway
- Velocity
- Reservation
- Expanse
- Divide
- Waterway
- Climb
- Plain
- Wilderness
- Concurrency
- Crosse
- Gunner
- Desert
- Obstacle
- Valley
- Parapet
- Lane
TRAVERSE, noun. (climbing) A route used in mountaineering, specifically rock climbing, in which the descent occurs by a different route than the ascent.
TRAVERSE, noun. (military) In fortification, a mass of earth or other material employed to protect troops against enfilade. It is constructed at right angles to the parapet.
TRAVERSE, noun. (surveying) A series of points, with angles and distances measured between, traveled around a subject, usually for use as "control" i.e. angular reference system for later surveying work.
TRAVERSE, noun. (obsolete) A screen or partition.
TRAVERSE, noun. Something that thwarts or obstructs.
TRAVERSE, noun. A trick; a subterfuge.
TRAVERSE, noun. (architecture) A gallery or loft of communication from side to side of a church or other large building.
TRAVERSE, noun. (legal) A formal denial of some matter of fact alleged by the opposite party in any stage of the pleadings. The technical words introducing a traverse are absque hoc ("without this", i.e. without what follows).
TRAVERSE, noun. (nautical) The zigzag course or courses made by a ship in passing from one place to another; a compound course.
TRAVERSE, noun. (geometry) A line lying across a figure or other lines; a transversal.
TRAVERSE, noun. (firearms) The turning of a gun so as to make it point in any desired direction.
TRAVERSE, verb. (transitive) To travel across, often under difficult conditions.
TRAVERSE, verb. (transitive) (computing) To visit all parts of; to explore thoroughly.
TRAVERSE, verb. (artillery) To rotate a gun around a vertical axis to bear upon a military target.
TRAVERSE, verb. (climbing) To climb or descend a steep hill at a wide angle.
TRAVERSE, verb. To lay in a cross direction; to cross.
TRAVERSE, verb. To cross by way of opposition; to thwart with obstacles; to obstruct.
TRAVERSE, verb. To pass over and view; to survey carefully.
TRAVERSE, verb. (carpentry) To plane in a direction across the grain of the wood.
TRAVERSE, verb. (legal) To deny formally.
TRAVERSE, adverb. Athwart; across; crosswise
TRAVERSE, adjective. Lying across; being in a direction across something else.
TRAVERSE BOARD, noun. (nautical) A small board hung in the steerage, having the points of the compass marked on it, and for each point as many holes as there are half hours in a watch. It is used for recording the courses made by the ship in each half hour, by putting a peg in the corresponding hole.
TRAVERSE DRILL, noun. A machine tool for drilling slots, in which the work or tool has a lateral motion back and forth.
TRAVERSE DRILL, noun. A drilling machine in which the spindle holder can be adjusted laterally.
TRAVERSE JURY, noun. Petit jury
TRAVERSE SAILING, noun. (nautical) Sailing by compound courses; the method or process of finding the resulting course and distance from a series of different shorter courses and distances actually passed over by a ship.
TRAVERSE TABLE, noun. (nautical) (surveying) A table by means of which the difference of latitude and departure corresponding to any given course and distance may be found by inspection. It contains the lengths of the two sides of a right-angled triangle, usually for every quarter of a degree of angle, and for lengths of the hypotenuse, from 1 to 100.
TRAVERSE TABLE, noun. (railroad) A platform with one or more tracks, and arranged to move laterally on wheels, for shifting cars, etc., from one line of track to another.
TRAVERSE TABLES, noun. Plural of traverse table
Dictionary definition
TRAVERSE, noun. A horizontal beam that extends across something.
TRAVERSE, noun. A horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it.
TRAVERSE, noun. Taking a zigzag path on skis.
TRAVERSE, noun. Travel across.
TRAVERSE, verb. Travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day".
TRAVERSE, verb. To cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries".
TRAVERSE, verb. Deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit.
Wise words
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.