Associations to the word «Tarantula»


TARANTULA, noun. A species of wolf spider, Lycosa tarentula.
TARANTULA, noun. A "true tarantula", consisting of large, hairy spiders comprising the family Theraphosidae.
TARANTULA, noun. A member of several other groups of spiders, generally characterized by large size, hairiness, or close relation to family Theraphosidae.
TARANTULA HAWK, noun. A kind of pompilid spider wasp that hunts tarantulas as food for its larvae.
TARANTULA HAWKS, noun. Plural of tarantula hawk
TARANTULA KILLER, noun. A large wasp (Pompilus formosus) that captures the Texan tarantula (Mygale hentzii) and places it in its nest as food for its young, after paralyzing it by a sting.

Dictionary definition

TARANTULA, noun. Large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement).
TARANTULA, noun. Large hairy tropical spider with fangs that can inflict painful but not highly venomous bites.

Wise words

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
Mark Twain