Associations to the word «Tableland»
- Catchment
- Cairns
- Escarpment
- Queensland
- Dividing
- Shire
- Plateau
- Sandstone
- Rainforest
- Bathurst
- Mesa
- Wales
- Gorge
- Barron
- Carbine
- Highlands
- Ravine
- Basalt
- Nsw
- Downs
- Slope
- Plain
- Headwater
- Australia
- Gully
- Foothill
- Waterfall
- Far
- Upland
- Seen
- Clarence
- Rivers
- Darling
- Scrub
- Altitude
- Isa
- Hume
- Acacia
- Locality
- Manning
- Cliff
- Canberra
- Basin
- Wentworth
- Northern
- Elevation
- Region
- Creek
- Evelyn
- Glen
- Cattle
- Summit
- Aboriginal
- Range
- Kilometre
- Mount
- Electorate
- Stretch
- Stream
- Mountain
TABLELAND, noun. A relatively flat region of terrain, particularly in reference to surrounding terrain.
Dictionary definition
TABLELAND, noun. A relatively flat highland.
Wise words
A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time
as the bullets go flying through space.