Associations to the word «Staring»
STARING, verb. Present participle of stare
STARING, noun. The act of one who stares.
STARING DOWN, verb. Present participle of stare down
Dictionary definition
STARING, adjective. (used of eyes) open and fixed as if in fear or wonder; "staring eyes".
STARING, adjective. Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth".
Wise words
In words are seen the state of mind and character and
disposition of the speaker.