Associations to the word «Salmo»


SALMO, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Salmonidae   — the Atlantic salmon and trout.
SALMO, proper noun. A village in British Columbia, Canada.
SALMO GAIRDNERI, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Salmonidae   — the rainbow trout, now Oncorhynchus mykiss.
SALMO ISCHCHAN, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Salmonidae   — the Sevan trout.
SALMO SALAR, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Salmonidae   — the Atlantic salmon.
SALMO TRUTTA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Salmonidae   — the brown trout.
SALMO TRUTTA CASPIUS, proper noun. A taxonomic subspecies within the family Salmonidae   — the Caspian trout.
SALMO TRUTTA TRUTTA, proper noun. A taxonomic morph within the species Salmo trutta   — sea trout, the oceanic morph of Salmo trutta (brown trout), which only spawns in fresh water.

Dictionary definition

SALMO, noun. Type genus of the Salmonidae: salmon and trout.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson