Associations to the word «Ricardo»
- Para
- Richie
- Marta
- Vida
- Marco
- Andres
- Chico
- Del
- Laguna
- Montevideo
- Janeiro
- Pts
- Gabriel
- Punch
- Deco
- Rent
- Cartel
- Rio
- Lisbon
- Vila
- Emanuel
- Lula
- Puebla
- Caracas
- Economics
- Omar
- Lorenzo
- Wanda
- Portugal
- Margarita
- Capitalist
- Hotspur
- Baptiste
- V8
- Vittorio
- Suitor
- Wage
- Astor
- Junta
- Hendrix
- Serra
- Boxer
- David
- Madrid
- Oscar
- Announcer
- Barcelona
- Salamanca
- Teammate
- Striker
- Subsistence
- Bravo
- Dictatorship
- Radical
- Uruguay
- Ana
- Pancho
- Defender
- El
- Romano
- Rico
- Lett
- Dunne
- Francisco
- Brazil
- Trinidad
- Schumacher
- Luna
- Gloria
- Tottenham
- Chambers
- Hoffmann
- Spanish
- Mesa
- Paraguay
- Commodity
- Mercedes
- Bruno
- Augustin
- Leyte
- Yokohama
- Freddy
- Porta
- Cecilia
- Benito
- Rita
- Esther
- Economy
- Architect
- Hector
- Gardner
- Norma
- Rey
- Trophy
- Mexico
- Equivalence
Dictionary definition
RICARDO, noun. English economist who argued that the laws of supply and demand should operate in a free market (1772-1823).
Wise words
Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life -
in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us
to do, as well as talk, and to make our words and actions
all of a color.