Associations to the word «Rex»
- Stout
- Bree
- Ingram
- Nero
- Stacy
- Dinosaur
- Wolfe
- Whistler
- Harrison
- Et
- Linn
- Clint
- Brody
- Imp
- Bowie
- Lex
- Harry
- Shane
- Novella
- Cutter
- Regina
- Gran
- Bantam
- Aubrey
- Effigy
- Paperback
- Eugen
- Mickey
- Hepburn
- Walters
- Kern
- Generator
- Esther
- Dino
- Buchanan
- Reed
- Maximus
- Donaldson
- Gwen
- Woody
- Lease
- Bills
- Britannia
- Raptor
- Downing
- Hannah
- Skeleton
- Coinage
- Reginald
- Marc
- Rea
- Jour
- Cretaceous
- Lucien
- Sapphire
- Inscription
- Chapman
- Whisker
- Boogie
- Quarterback
- Scam
- Buzz
- Igor
- Bookstore
- Bourne
- Kingsley
- Theodore
- Allen
- Mag
- Elton
- Deco
- Warner
- Robbie
- Stewart
- Starring
- Darrell
- Bo
- Danielle
- Goodwin
- Harrington
- Rocker
- Abby
- Cleopatra
- Def
- Forrest
- Hire
- Glitter
REX, noun. An animal which has a genetic recessive variation that causes the guard hairs to be very short or fully lacking.
REX, proper noun. (formal, usually italicized) The reigning king.
REX, proper noun. A male given name coined in the nineteenth century from Latin rex "king", rarely bestowed on children today.
REX, proper noun. A popular name for a dog.
REX SACRORUM, noun. (historical) A senatorial priesthood in Ancient Rome, reserved for patricians.
Dictionary definition
REX, noun. A male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.