Associations to the word «Restricted»
- Bandwidth
- Dissemination
- Authorization
- Confine
- Clause
- Clade
- Abortion
- Rodent
- Lymphocyte
- Import
- Shipyard
- Freedom
- Visa
- Dispersal
- Censorship
- Carbohydrate
- Predicate
- Sulawesi
- Subgroup
- Phoneme
- Ordinance
- Species
- Insecticide
- Specie
- Exclusion
- Progenitor
- Neuron
- Axon
- Stratum
- Grassland
- Jurisdiction
- License
- Limit
- Agent
- Privilege
- Domain
- Saharan
- Pronoun
- Lineage
- Extinction
- Ern
- Constraint
- Occupancy
- Accessibility
- Agonist
- Axiom
- Stimulation
- Litre
- Regulation
- Checkpoint
- Grazing
- Thrush
- Generalization
RESTRICTED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of restrict
RESTRICTED, adjective. Limited within bounds.
RESTRICTED, adjective. Available only to certain authorized groups of people.
RESTRICTED, adjective. One of the classifications of the secrecy of an official document.
RESTRICTED, adjective. (Can we clean up([1]) this sense?) (grammar) Qualified.
RESTRICTED FUNCTION, noun. (computing) A function used in an operating system that is not available to application programs.
RESTRICTED FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of restricted function
Dictionary definition
RESTRICTED, adjective. Subject to restriction or subjected to restriction; "of restricted importance".
RESTRICTED, adjective. Restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man').
RESTRICTED, adjective. The lowest level of official classification for documents.
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.