Associations to the word «Repair»


REPAIR, noun. The act of repairing something.
REPAIR, noun. The result of repairing something.
REPAIR, noun. The condition of something, in respect of need for repair.
REPAIR, verb. To restore to good working order, fix, or improve damaged condition; to mend; to remedy.
REPAIR, verb. To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent; to indemnify for.
REPAIR, noun. The act of repairing or resorting to a place.
REPAIR, noun. A place to which one goes frequently or habitually; a haunt.
REPAIR, verb. To transfer oneself to another place.
REPAIR, verb. To pair again
REPAIR HEDDLE, noun. A type of heddle, either premade or makeshift, used when a thread is skipped or breaks, or to replace a broken heddle.
REPAIR HEDDLES, noun. Plural of repair heddle

Dictionary definition

REPAIR, noun. The act of putting something in working order again.
REPAIR, noun. A formal way of referring to the condition of something; "the building was in good repair".
REPAIR, noun. A frequently visited place.
REPAIR, verb. Restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please".
REPAIR, verb. Make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident".
REPAIR, verb. Move, travel, or proceed toward some place; "He repaired to his cabin in the woods".
REPAIR, verb. Set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight".
REPAIR, verb. Give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health".

Wise words

When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it is unspoken you reign over it.
Arabian Proverb