Associations to the word «Queue»


QUEUE, noun. (heraldry) An animal's tail. [from 16th c.]
QUEUE, noun. (now historical) A men's hairstyle whose primary attribute is a braid or ponytail at the back of the head, such as that worn by men in Imperial China. [from 18th c.]
QUEUE, noun. A line of people, vehicles or other objects, in which one at the front end is dealt with first, the one behind is dealt with next, and so on, and which newcomers join at the opposite end (the back). [from 19th c.]
QUEUE, noun. A waiting list or other means of organizing people or objects into a first-come-first-served order.
QUEUE, noun. (computing) A data structure in which objects are added to one end, called the tail, and removed from the other, called the head (- a FIFO queue). The term can also refer to a LIFO queue or stack where these ends coincide. [from 20th c.]
QUEUE, verb. To put oneself or itself at the end of a waiting line.
QUEUE, verb. To arrange themselves into a physical waiting queue.
QUEUE, verb. (computing) To add to a queue data structure.
QUEUE, verb. To fasten the hair into a queue.
QUEUE UP, verb. (British) (intransitive) To queue.
QUEUE UP, verb. (computing) (informal) (transitive) To enqueue, to add something to a queue.

Dictionary definition

QUEUE, noun. A line of people or vehicles waiting for something.
QUEUE, noun. (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted.
QUEUE, noun. A braid of hair at the back of the head.
QUEUE, verb. Form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined up in front of the store".

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson