Associations to the word «Protest»


PROTEST, verb. (intransitive) To make a strong objection.
PROTEST, verb. (transitive) To affirm (something).
PROTEST, verb. (transitive) (chiefly North America) To object to.
PROTEST, verb. To call as a witness in affirming or denying, or to prove an affirmation; to appeal to.
PROTEST, verb. (legal) (transitive) to make a solemn written declaration, in due form, on behalf of the holder, against all parties liable for any loss or damage to be sustained by non-acceptance or non-payment of (a bill or note). This should be made by a notary public, whose seal it is the usual practice to affix.
PROTEST, noun. A formal objection, especially one by a group.
PROTEST, noun. A collective gesture of disapproval: a demonstration.
PROTEST TOO MUCH, verb. (idiomatic) To insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying.

Dictionary definition

PROTEST, noun. A formal and solemn declaration of objection; "they finished the game under protest to the league president"; "the senator rose to register his protest"; "the many protestations did not stay the execution".
PROTEST, noun. The act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent.
PROTEST, noun. The act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval; "he shouted his protests at the umpire"; "a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall".
PROTEST, verb. Utter words of protest.
PROTEST, verb. Express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country".
PROTEST, verb. Affirm or avow formally or solemnly; "The suspect protested his innocence".

Wise words

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mohandas Gandhi