Associations to the word «Proof»
- Pudding
- Bullet
- Vodka
- Give
- Affection
- Eating
- Zero
- Burglar
- Zeal
- Hole
- Rigor
- Persuasion
- Esteem
- Mathematic
- Veto
- Fidelity
- Cher
- Copy
- Hash
- Whiskey
- Fence
- Prowess
- Inconsistency
- Automaton
- Hardness
- Coinage
- Gratitude
- Pair
- Scripture
- Card
- Mathematics
- Shred
- Remains
- Aquinas
- Thurston
- Tenderness
- Adultery
- Generosity
- Opportunity
- Pathos
- Rabbit
- Quentin
- Negligence
- Fourier
- Citizenship
- Attachment
- Athenian
- Patriotism
- Correspondence
- Correction
- Requiring
- Allegation
- Treachery
- Repentance
- Disposition
- Dogma
- Honesty
- Rust
- Companion
- Kindness
- Balzac
- Lordship
- Formula
- Valour
- Supposing
- Connexion
- Valor
- Cites
PROOF, noun. (countable) An effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth; an act of testing; a test; a trial.
PROOF, noun. (uncountable) The degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief; a test by facts or arguments which induce, or tend to induce, certainty of the judgment; conclusive evidence; demonstration.
PROOF, noun. The quality or state of having been proved or tried; firmness or hardness which resists impression, or doesn't yield to force; impenetrability of physical bodies.
PROOF, noun. (obsolete) Experience of something.
PROOF, noun. (uncountable) (obsolete) Firmness of mind; stability not to be shaken.
PROOF, noun. (countable) (printing) A proof sheet; a trial impression, as from type, taken for correction or examination.
PROOF, noun. (countable) (logic) (mathematics) A sequence of statements consisting of axioms, assumptions, statements already demonstrated in another proof, and statements that logically follow from previous statements in the sequence, and which concludes with a statement that is the object of the proof.
PROOF, noun. (countable) (mathematics) A process for testing the accuracy of an operation performed. Compare prove, transitive verb, 5.
PROOF, noun. (obsolete) Armour of excellent or tried quality, and deemed impenetrable; properly, armour of proof.
PROOF, noun. (US) A measure of the alcohol content of liquor. Originally, in Britain, 100 proof was defined as 57.1% by volume (not used anymore). In the US, 100 proof means that the alcohol content is 50% of the total volume of the liquid, and thus, absolute alcohol would be 200 proof.
PROOF, adjective. Used in proving or testing.
PROOF, adjective. Firm or successful in resisting.
PROOF, adjective. (of alcoholic liquors) Being of a certain standard as to alcohol content.
PROOF, verb. (transitive) (intransitive) (colloquial) To proofread.
PROOF, verb. (transitive) To make resistant, especially to water.
PROOF, verb. (transitive) (cooking) To allow to rise (of yeast-containing dough).
PROOF, verb. (transitive) (cooking) To test the activeness of (yeast).
PROOF BY CONTRADICTION, noun. (mathematics) (logic) Proof of a statement adduced by deriving a contradiction from the statement's negation.
PROOF BY EXAMPLE, noun. (logic) A logical fallacy consisting of providing one or more examples as a proof of a more general statement.
PROOF BY EXHAUSTION, noun. (logic) The indirect verification or falsification of a statement by the verification or falsification of each of the finite number of cases which arise therefrom.
PROOF CHARGE, noun. (firearms) A charge of powder and ball, greater than the service charge, fired in an arm, as a gun or cannon, to test its strength.
PROOF OF CONCEPT, noun. A short and/or incomplete realization of a certain method or idea to demonstrate its feasibility.
PROOF OF CONCEPT, noun. (software development) (perhaps nonstandard) A proof of technology or pilot project.
PROOF OF TECHNOLOGY, noun. (rare) In software development "proof of technology" (often abbreviated to PoT) is used interchangeably with "proof of concept" (PoC) or "pilot project".
PROOF POSITIVE, noun. Overwhelming or definitive proof.
PROOF READER, noun. A person who reads proof, copy or other text, looking for errors and making corrections
PROOF READERS, noun. Plural of proof reader
PROOF SHEET, noun. (printing) A page of proofed text; a sheet used to make corrections, emendations etc. before being printed for use.
PROOF SHEET, noun. (photography) A contact print
PROOF SHEETS, noun. Plural of proof sheet
PROOF SPIRIT, noun. A mixture of alcohol and water used as a standard for distilled drinks
PROOF SYSTEM, noun. (logic) A set of axioms and a set of inference rules which are jointly used to deduce tautologies, thereby providing proofs of them.
Dictionary definition
PROOF, noun. Any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something; "if you have any proof for what you say, now is the time to produce it".
PROOF, noun. A formal series of statements showing that if one thing is true something else necessarily follows from it.
PROOF, noun. A measure of alcoholic strength expressed as an integer twice the percentage of alcohol present (by volume).
PROOF, noun. (printing) an impression made to check for errors.
PROOF, noun. A trial photographic print from a negative.
PROOF, noun. The act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something.
PROOF, verb. Make or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset.
PROOF, verb. Knead to reach proper lightness; "proof dough".
PROOF, verb. Read for errors; "I should proofread my manuscripts".
PROOF, verb. Activate by mixing with water and sometimes sugar or milk; "proof yeast".
PROOF, verb. Make resistant (to harm); "proof the materials against shrinking in the dryer".
PROOF, adjective. (used in combination or as a suffix) able to withstand; "temptation-proof"; "childproof locks".
Wise words
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words
are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds
can be done only for God.