Associations to the word «Pip»
PIP, noun. Any of various respiratory diseases in birds, especially infectious coryza. [from the 15th c.]
PIP, noun. (humorous) Of humans, a disease, malaise or depression.
PIP, noun. (obsolete) A pippin.
PIP, noun. (UK) A seed inside certain fleshy fruits (compare stone/pit), such as a peach, orange, or apple.
PIP, noun. (US) (colloquial) Something or someone excellent, of high quality.
PIP, noun. (British) (dated) (WW I) (signalese) P in RAF phonetic alphabet
PIP, noun. One of the spots or symbols on a playing card, domino, die, etc.
PIP, noun. (military) (public service) One of the stars worn on the shoulder of a uniform to denote rank, e.g. of a soldier or a fireman.
PIP, noun. A spot; a speck.
PIP, noun. A spot of light or an inverted V indicative of a return of radar waves reflected from an object; a blip.
PIP, noun. A piece of rhizome with a dormant shoot of the lily of the valley plant, used for propagation
PIP, verb. To get the better of; to defeat by a narrow margin
PIP, verb. To hit with a gunshot
PIP, verb. To peep, to chirp
PIP, verb. (avian biology) To make the initial hole during the process of hatching from an egg
PIP, noun. One of a series of very short, electronically produced tones, used, for example, to count down the final few seconds before a given time or to indicate that a caller using a payphone needs to make further payment if he is to continue his call.
PIP, noun. (finance) (currency trading) The smallest price increment between two currencies in foreign exchange (forex) trading.
PIP, proper noun. A diminutive form of the given names Philip, Phillip, and Philippa.
PIP, noun. (television) picture-in-picture - A television technology allowing a second channel to be displayed in a small rectangle as an onscreen overlay over the primary channel being displayed.
PIP, noun. (military) predicted impact point
PIP EMMA, adverb. (British) Expansion of p.m.: in the afternoon or evening.
PIP PIP, interjection. (UK) (colloquial) general greeting, mostly used by the upper classes.
PIP PIP, interjection. (UK) (colloquial) used to create enthusiasm, mostly by the upper classes.
PIP TO THE POST, verb. (idiomatic) (sport) to overcome a strong competitor in a sporting event, especially by gaining a small advantage over him at the last decisive moment.
PIP TO THE POST, verb. (idiomatic) to overcome a prominent competitor, gaining his position, especially by making a smart sudden move.
Dictionary definition
PIP, noun. A disease of poultry.
PIP, noun. A minor nonspecific ailment.
PIP, noun. A small hard seed found in some fruits.
PIP, noun. A mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit).
PIP, noun. A radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface.
PIP, verb. Kill by firing a missile.
PIP, verb. Hit with a missile from a weapon.
PIP, verb. Defeat thoroughly; "He mopped up the floor with his opponents".
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.