Associations to the word «Offload»


OFFLOAD, verb. (transitive) to unload
OFFLOAD, verb. (transitive) to get rid of things, work, or problems by passing them on to someone or something else
OFFLOAD, verb. (transitive) (aviation) (travel) to deny a person on a standby list due to lack of space.
OFFLOAD, verb. (transitive) (aviation) (travel) to change a passengers' ticket status from "checked in" to "open", allowing further changes. (This applies regardless of whether the passenger has boarded the aircraft or not).
OFFLOAD, noun. The act of offloading something, or diverting it elsewhere.
OFFLOAD, noun. (rugby) The act of passing the ball to a team mate when tackled.

Dictionary definition

OFFLOAD, verb. Transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data.
OFFLOAD, verb. Take the load off (a container or vehicle); "unload the truck"; "offload the van".

Wise words

The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.