Associations to the word «Obey»
- Summons
- Behest
- Injunction
- Commandment
- Obedience
- Dictate
- Disobedience
- Precept
- Command
- Impulse
- Compulsion
- Allah
- Refusal
- Whim
- Reluctance
- Order
- Hesitation
- Bidding
- Mandate
- Directive
- Instruction
- Must
- Sancho
- Instinct
- Bose
- Quixote
- Willingness
- Him
- Sovereign
- Oath
- Superior
- Israelites
- Obligation
- Axiom
- Sway
- Edict
- Conscience
- Prompting
- Shepard
- Law
- Caprice
- Laws
- Subordinate
- Decree
- Refuse
- Senor
- Haste
- Automaton
- Wherefore
- Rule
- Readiness
- Inclination
- Trembling
- Robotic
- Tyranny
- Ordinance
- Bound
- Majesty
- Righteousness
- Duty
OBEY, verb. (transitive) To do as ordered by (a person, institution etc), to act according to the bidding of.
OBEY, verb. (intransitive) To do as one is told.
OBEY, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To be obedient, compliant (to a given law, restriction etc.).
Dictionary definition
OBEY, verb. Be obedient to.
Wise words
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for
people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or