Associations to the word «Nebraska»
- Norris
- Bridgeport
- Township
- Prairie
- Highway
- Sac
- Prefix
- Maine
- Polk
- Jennings
- Whig
- Orr
- Mississippi
- Airfield
- Louisiana
- Press
- Capitol
- County
- Lineman
- Ohio
- Senator
- Territory
- Gator
- Fn
- Burlington
- Choke
- University
- Halfback
- Rhode
- Bancroft
- Atkinson
- Lancaster
- Heartland
- Tennessee
- Bryan
- Plain
- Cedar
- Gothenburg
- Crouch
- Pierce
- Buffalo
- Poll
- Kentucky
- Sheridan
- Cody
- Offense
- Columbus
- Rutgers
- Norfolk
- Hitchcock
- Vermont
- Sovereignty
- Uno
- Arbor
- Legislator
- Rel
- Dixon
- Republican
- Dame
- Interception
- Yellowstone
- Quilt
- Courthouse
- Hampshire
- Homestead
- Linebacker
- Blair
- Lexington
- Delaware
- Alaska
- Rancher
- Valentine
- Upset
- Denver
- Fullback
- Shelton
- Keystone
- Southwestern
- Douglas
- Chambers
- Florida
- Syracuse
NEBRASKA, proper noun. A state of the United States of America Capital: Lincoln; largest city: Omaha.
NEBRASKA MAN, proper noun. (historical) Hesperopithecus haroldcookii, a putative species of ape, heralded as the first higher primate of North America, but later found to have been classified incorrectly.
Dictionary definition
NEBRASKA, noun. A midwestern state on the Great Plains.
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.