Associations to the word «Municipal»
- Tucson
- Gator
- Vote
- Corona
- Disposal
- Naples
- Barnes
- Border
- Northwest
- Haifa
- Selma
- Administration
- Provisional
- Voter
- Tax
- Japan
- Metropolitan
- Parkland
- Rosario
- Markham
- Nova
- Hesse
- Dot
- Heraldry
- Biomass
- Subdivision
- Bloomfield
- Serra
- Annexation
- Bolivia
- Sidney
- Shawnee
- Lebanon
- Lid
- Mansfield
- Federal
- Guangzhou
- Pradesh
- Judiciary
- Runoff
- Salem
- Nebraska
- Taxation
- Bond
- Private
- Forty
- Chesterfield
- Quincy
- Ghana
- Thirty
- Roster
- Airline
- Pts
- Knoxville
- Montreal
- Dakota
- Domestic
- Beirut
- Chile
- Banda
- Caldwell
- Marion
- Portal
- Transportation
- Golf
- Arkansas
- Seaplane
- Chairman
- Portland
- Police
- Santa
- Oregon
- Code
- Catalonia
- Bend
- Jamestown
- Plaza
- Neighbor
- Autonomy
- Vista
- Porto
- Candidate
- Financing
MUNICIPAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to a municipality (a city or a corporation having the right of administering local government).
MUNICIPAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to the internal affairs of a nation.
MUNICIPAL, noun. (finance) A financial instrument issued by a municipality.
MUNICIPAL BOROUGH, noun. (British) A city or town in England and Wales with an elected town council consisting of a mayor, aldermen and councillors.
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, noun. (legal): A municipality; a governing body within a larger state formed by the enactment of a governing document.
MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS, noun. Plural of municipal corporation
MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING, noun. A field of engineering concerned with municipal infrastructure, including streets, water supply, sewers, electricity distribution, solid waste management and public parks.
MUNICIPAL INCORPORATION, noun. (legal): The creation of a municipality by the enactment of a governing document.
MUNICIPAL INCORPORATIONS, noun. Plural of municipal incorporation
Dictionary definition
MUNICIPAL, adjective. Relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality; "municipal government"; "municipal bonds"; "a municipal park"; "municipal transportation".
MUNICIPAL, adjective. Of or relating to the government of a municipality; "international law...only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law"- J.L.kuntz.
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.