Associations to the word «International»
- Nationality
- Miami
- Annual
- Imperialism
- Academia
- Macau
- Empowerment
- Athletics
- Nagoya
- Switzerland
- Singapore
- Vancouver
- Osaka
- Telecom
- Tbilisi
- Aviation
- Market
- Monterey
- Honolulu
- Bangalore
- Pearson
- Excellence
- Persons
- Ltd
- Cebu
- Atp
- Affiliate
- Flight
- Yokohama
- Cinema
- Bogotá
- Commission
- Terminal
- Eros
- Scranton
- Mumbai
- Hong
- Corp
- Kabul
- Eastman
- Kong
- Ymca
- Nanjing
- Mannheim
- Golden
- Wrestling
- Limited
- Lions
- Hyderabad
- Communist
- Corporation
- Fax
- Sai
- Aids
- Faa
- Fame
- Dorado
- Marathon
- Accounting
- Triple
- Astronaut
- Certificate
- Johannesburg
- Photography
- Cis
- Centre
- Hopkins
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. Of or having to do with more than one nation.
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations.
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. Of or concerning the association called the International.
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. Independent of national boundaries; common to all people.
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. Foreign; of another nation.
INTERNATIONAL, noun. (sports) Someone who has represented their country in a particularly sport.
INTERNATIONAL, noun. (sports) A game or contest between two or more nations.
INTERNATIONAL, proper noun. International Airport, as the shortened form of an airport name.
INTERNATIONAL ACRE, noun. (US) a customary unit of 4,046.8564224 m²
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, noun. An airport that accepts international flights.
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS, noun. Plural of international airport
INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY LANGUAGE, noun. (linguistics) a language intended to be used by people who do not share a common language
INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION, proper noun. An association founded in 1924 to study the establishment of an international auxiliary language. In 1951, IALA presented Interlingua to the public by publishing the Interlingua-English Dictionary and Interlingua Grammar. Abbreviated IALA.
INTERNATIONAL CALL PREFIX, noun. A prefix that must be prepended to a phone number in order to call a phone number outside one's own country.
INTERNATIONAL CALL SIGN, noun. (military) A call sign assigned in accordance with the provisions of the International Telecommunications Union to identify a radio station. The nationality of the radio station is identified by the first or the first two characters. (When used in visual signaling, international call signs are referred to as “signal letters.”)
INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE, proper noun. A judicial body of the United Nations, established in 1945 to decide disputes brought by nations.
INTERNATIONAL CRICKET COUNCIL, proper noun. (cricket) the governing body that organizes world cricket
INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE, proper noun. An imaginary line on the Earth's surface at 180° longitude, mostly through the Pacific Ocean, to the east of which the calendar date is one day earlier than to the west.
INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW, noun. (international law) the law which regulates the conduct of armed conflict.
INTERNATIONAL KLEIN BLUE, proper noun. (arts) An intense deep blue hue achieved by means of ultramarine pigment and a binder.
INTERNATIONAL LAW, noun. Set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and between nations, serving as a framework for the practice of stable and organized international relations.
INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE, noun. (nautical) a mark on the hull of a merchant ship to show the waterline under specified conditions. The line shows the maximum capacity load the ship may carry.
INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINES, noun. Plural of International Load Line
INTERNATIONAL MILE, noun. (units of measure) The present formal value of the mile as precisely equal to 1.609344 kilometers, as opposed to other historic or informal values.
INTERNATIONAL MILES, noun. Plural of international mile
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, proper noun. The international organization entrusted with overseeing the global financial system by monitoring foreign exchange rates and balance of payments, as well as offering technical and financial assistance when asked. Abbreviated as IMF.
INTERNATIONAL ORANGE, noun. A reddish-orange colour used to set things apart from their surroundings.
INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION, noun. (international law) an organisation established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal personality.
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, noun. (international law) Alternative form of international organisation
INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET, proper noun. A standardized set of symbols for representing the sounds of human speech.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, noun. The study of relationships among countries, commonly abbreviated as IR.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, noun. The relationships themselves
INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON, noun. A prepaid international postage voucher.
INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPONS, noun. Plural of international reply coupon
INTERNATIONAL RULES FOOTBALL, noun. (soccer) A sport created as a mixture of Australian rules football and Gaelic football, to allow international matches between Australia and Ireland.
INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS, proper noun. The standard set of basic units of measurement, to be used in scientific literature worldwide.
INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION, proper noun. United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs). Abbreviation: ITU.
INTERNATIONAL UNIT, noun. A particular, minute unit of mass, defined differently for different substances, but so that varying substances of the same general type have the property that one international unit of the one has the same effect on the human body as one international unit of the other.
INTERNATIONAL UNITS, noun. Plural of international unit
INTERNATIONAL WATERS, noun. (international law) Those parts of the ocean that are not legally recognized as being under the jurisdiction of any national government.
Dictionary definition
INTERNATIONAL, noun. Any of several international socialist organizations.
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. Concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations; "international affairs"; "an international agreement"; "international waters".
INTERNATIONAL, adjective. From or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help".
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