Associations to the word «Increasingly»
- Decline
- Exploitation
- Cohesion
- Deterioration
- Obesity
- Advance
- Dominance
- Aristocracy
- Communism
- Moderate
- Alcoholism
- Southerner
- Demand
- Subsistence
- Cen
- Peasantry
- Nasser
- Viability
- Islamist
- Agenda
- Inability
- Cope
- Commodity
- Influx
- Eighteenth
- Aging
- Outlook
- Tourism
- Worldview
- Urbanization
- Repression
- Layman
- Social
- Stalin
- Whig
- Ern
- Mainstay
- Intellectual
- Dren
- Relevance
- Censorship
- Convection
- Colonialism
- Caregiver
- Sectarian
- Charismatic
- Eighteenth
- Discontent
- Reluctant
- Supportive
- Interdisciplinary
- Economic
- Frantic
- Attractive
- Hysterical
- Influential
- Cynical
- Hierarchical
- Costly
- Abstract
- Unacceptable
- Restless
- Powerful
- Inadequate
- Frequent
- Perceived
- Marxist
- Nascent
- Agrarian
- Marginal
- Oriented
- Refined
- Worried
- Urgent
- Prosperous
- Rigorous
- Jealous
- Fascist
- Wary
- Holistic
- Postwar
- Harsh
- Overt
- Annoyed
- Unhappy
- Diminished
- Unsafe
- Socialist
- Responsive
INCREASINGLY, adverb. Increasing in amount or intensity
Dictionary definition
INCREASINGLY, adverb. Advancing in amount or intensity; "she became increasingly depressed".
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.