Associations to the word «Hoary»
- Swain
- Bat
- Beard
- Antiquity
- Lr
- Frost
- Forewing
- Sinner
- Moss
- Shroud
- Sire
- Squirrel
- Willow
- Wickedness
- Brow
- Dew
- Bower
- Cripple
- Mist
- Elm
- Lock
- Grey
- Wolverine
- Proverb
- Grandeur
- Crag
- Blossom
- Bough
- Hawthorn
- Reverence
- Patriarch
- Underside
- Tern
- Moonlight
- Goat
- Moose
- Glory
- Apex
- Rat
- Hair
- Snow
- Sage
- Mammal
- Gray
- Ancient
- Pine
- Pink
- Old
- Grave
- Head
- Spray
- Skipper
- Trunk
- Plume
- Deep
- Solitude
- Fold
HOARY, adjective. White or gray with age.
HOARY, adjective. (zoology) Of a pale silvery gray.
HOARY, adjective. (botany) Covered with short, dense, grayish white hairs; canescent.
HOARY, adjective. (obsolete) Remote in time past.
HOARY, adjective. (obsolete) Moldy; mossy; musty.
HOARY, adjective. Old or old-fashioned.
HOARY BAT, noun. Lasiurus cinereus, a vespertilionid bat that occurs throughout most of North America and much of South America, with disjunct populations in the Galápagos Islands.
HOARY BATS, noun. Plural of hoary bat
HOARY MARMOT, noun. A small rodent of the species Marmota caligata.
HOARY MARMOTS, noun. Plural of hoary marmot
Dictionary definition
HOARY, adjective. Showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair; "whose beard with age is hoar"-Coleridge; "nodded his hoary head".
HOARY, adjective. Ancient; "hoary jokes".
HOARY, adjective. Covered with fine whitish hairs or down.
Wise words
One great use of words is to hide our thoughts.