Associations to the word «Halifax»
- Neptune
- Municipality
- Stirling
- Loyalist
- Bury
- Trinity
- Herald
- Churchill
- Hms
- Pr
- Rugby
- Regina
- Pleasant
- Sloop
- Regan
- Hull
- Mackay
- Clayton
- Earl
- Aldershot
- Wildcat
- Labrador
- Raf
- Sudbury
- Tko
- Dauphin
- Lancashire
- Barrow
- Minesweeper
- Middlesbrough
- Granville
- Town
- Volvo
- Waverley
- Sunderland
- Macdonald
- Cougar
- Mansfield
- Mi
- Cumberland
- Peterborough
- Lister
- Metro
- Beverley
- Shipbuilding
- Carleton
- Pembroke
- Northampton
- Pier
- Wentworth
- Hanson
- Mecklenburg
- Milford
- Glider
- Doherty
- Courier
- Grafton
- Fortification
- Boston
- Peninsula
- Sc
- Blackburn
- Chronicle
- Melville
- Exchequer
- Warship
- Isthmus
- Dt
- Chester
- Barrie
- Midshipman
- Irwin
- Plymouth
- Luton
- Gazette
- Winger
- Addison
- Wallis
- Wharf
- Trophy
- Chatham
- Transit
- Cruise
- Nc
- Mont
HALIFAX, proper noun. An industrial town in Yorkshire England, 20km south-east of Leeds
HALIFAX, proper noun. Capital city of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Dictionary definition
HALIFAX, noun. Provincial capital and largest city of Nova Scotia.
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.