Associations to the word «Guyana»
- Uganda
- Samoa
- Nigeria
- Maldives
- Hindus
- Latvia
- Algeria
- Estonia
- Mongolia
- Bahrain
- Chung
- Hungary
- Lowland
- Dutch
- Congo
- Malaysia
- Passport
- Verde
- Desmond
- Belarus
- Rico
- Iraq
- Libya
- Angola
- Caledonia
- Cyprus
- Seychelles
- Lanka
- Airway
- Virgin
- British
- Mexico
- Orchid
- Friendly
- Pakistan
- Cricket
- Wicket
- Republic
- Luxembourg
- Pageant
- Tunisia
- Afro
- Imf
- Morocco
- Moldova
- Visa
- Basin
- Bangladesh
- Albania
- Puerto
- Headwater
- Barrington
- Lesser
- Uzbekistan
- Greece
- Nepal
- Islamic
- Finland
- Emirate
- Savannah
- Jordan
- Arabia
- America
- Kali
- Philippines
- Suicide
- Leone
- Cramer
- Colony
- Frog
- Lebanon
- Croatia
- Rodney
- Confucianism
- Netherlands
- Cricketer
- Dorado
- Coastline
- Oaxaca
- Coloni
- Nw
- Solomon
- Zimbabwe
- Laborer
- Sri
- Armenia
- Raleigh
- South
GUYANA, proper noun. A country in South America. Official name: Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
Dictionary definition
GUYANA, noun. A republic in northeastern South America; formerly part of the British Empire, but it achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1966.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.