Associations to the word «Freeman»
- Palmer
- Bailiff
- Plough
- Douglas
- Burgh
- Benny
- Goldsmith
- Owens
- Grocer
- Daryl
- Tess
- Matt
- Jonathan
- Redemption
- Gary
- Elector
- Lyndon
- Wilbur
- Winthrop
- Birch
- Angelina
- Emmett
- Colored
- Marvin
- Bassist
- Draper
- Jo
- Greg
- Eastman
- Miller
- Bragg
- Packer
- Halfback
- Vance
- Royce
- Proprietor
- Armstrong
- Brave
- Guild
- Francisco
- Hansen
- Debra
- Bree
- Robbins
- Airman
- Damon
- Gambler
- Wr
- Anthropologist
- Sonny
- Villager
- Woody
- Gladstone
- Rockies
- Combo
- Sigmund
- Kris
- Pee
- Mesa
- Assistant
- Riley
- Jon
- Samuel
- Emerson
- Darren
- Rufus
- Beth
- Doris
- Linebacker
- Cebu
- Newcastle
- Rights
- Dustin
- Dorsey
- Lucius
- Lori
- Willis
- Suffrage
- Crossbow
- Betty
- Jennifer
- Phil
- Rita
- Saxon
- Veronica
- Gordon
- Walter
- Jr
- Montana
- Stanford
- Roberta
- Ska
- Ralph
- Dave
- Taker
FREEMAN, noun. A free man, one who is not a serf or slave.
FREEMAN, noun. (archaic) or ceremonial A person awarded or inheriting the freedom, with any attached privileges, of a borough or city.
FREEMAN, proper noun. A surname.
FREEMAN, proper noun. A city in South Dakota
FREEMAN, proper noun. A town in Wisconsin
Dictionary definition
FREEMAN, noun. A person who is not a serf or a slave.
Wise words
To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of
understanding; one must use the same words for the same
genus of inward experience; ultimately one must have one's
experiences in common.