Associations to the word «Foster»


FOSTER, adjective. Providing parental care to unrelated children.
FOSTER, adjective. Receiving such care.
FOSTER, adjective. Related by such care.
FOSTER, noun. (countable) (obsolete) A forester
FOSTER, noun. (uncountable) The care given to another; guardianship
FOSTER, verb. (transitive) To nurture or bring up offspring; or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child.
FOSTER, verb. (transitive) To cultivate and grow something.
FOSTER, verb. (transitive) To nurse or cherish something.
FOSTER, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To be nurtured or trained up together.
FOSTER, proper noun. An English surname​, variant of Forster.
FOSTER, proper noun. A town in Victoria, Australia
FOSTER, proper noun. A town in Indiana
FOSTER, proper noun. A village in Missouri
FOSTER, proper noun. A village in Nebraska
FOSTER, proper noun. A town in Rhode Island
FOSTER, proper noun. A town in Wisconsin
FOSTER CARE, noun. A formal system by which a child is cared for, in a foster family, by people other than its own parents, but without being adopted
FOSTER CHILD, noun. A child in foster care
FOSTER CHILDREN, noun. Plural of foster child
FOSTER FAMILIES, noun. Plural of foster family
FOSTER FAMILY, noun. A family having at least one foster child.
FOSTER FATHER, noun. An male adult who cares for a child who has been placed in foster care.
FOSTER HOME, noun. A household in which a child is raised by someone other than its natural or adoptive parent.
FOSTER MOTHER, noun. A female adult who cares for a child who has been placed in foster care.
FOSTER MOTHERS, noun. Plural of foster mother
FOSTER PARENT, noun. An adult who cares for a child who has been placed in foster care.
FOSTER PARENTS, noun. Plural of foster parent

Dictionary definition

FOSTER, noun. United States songwriter whose songs embody the sentiment of the South before the American Civil War (1826-1864).
FOSTER, verb. Promote the growth of; "Foster our children's well-being and education".
FOSTER, verb. Bring up under fosterage; of children.
FOSTER, verb. Help develop, help grow; "nurture his talents".
FOSTER, adjective. Providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties; "foster parent"; "foster child"; "foster home"; "surrogate father".

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