Associations to the word «Executioner»
- Cart
- Prisoner
- Christophe
- Mob
- Killing
- Eunuch
- Dungeon
- Stalin
- Derrick
- Lucius
- Blade
- Osiris
- Dagger
- Albert
- Stake
- Henri
- Bastion
- Stroke
- Xvi
- Cauldron
- Corpse
- Justinian
- Crucifix
- Samurai
- Samson
- Knife
- Gaius
- Pardon
- Santana
- Kinsman
- Forgiveness
- Nuremberg
- Warrant
- Fulfilling
- Brutus
- Bonaparte
- Lever
- Registrar
- Limb
- Caliph
- Odin
- Ellis
- Chevalier
- Killer
- Crowd
- Startling
- Disgrace
- Notary
- Berry
- Laughing
- Confession
- Crime
- Block
EXECUTIONER, noun. An official person who carries out the capital punishment of a criminal.
EXECUTIONER, noun. (archaic) executor
EXECUTIONER, noun. A hit man, especially being in a some organization.
Dictionary definition
EXECUTIONER, noun. An official who inflicts capital punishment in pursuit of a warrant.
Wise words
The difference between the right word and the almost right
word is the difference between lightning and a lightning