Associations to the word «Deacon»
- Arch
- Ephraim
- Grover
- Notary
- Zoologist
- Catechism
- Pisum
- Widow
- Quincy
- Sharpe
- Squire
- Este
- Persecution
- Holy
- Sub
- Maria
- Timothy
- Polity
- Chant
- Ridley
- Eunuch
- Xvi
- Salford
- Putnam
- Scala
- Knox
- Nun
- Puritan
- Mar
- Mcintosh
- Blue
- Psalm
- Quinn
- Giovanni
- Elect
- Willard
- Vatican
- Denomination
- Salem
- Jest
- Giorgio
- Vita
- Theology
- Domenico
- Medici
- Graeme
- Alkali
- Rome
- Monastery
- Mccormick
- Clergyman
- Catholic
- Bearer
- Meade
- Exeter
- Chapel
- Manu
- Guild
- Betsy
- Missionary
- Scripture
- Bb
- Heresy
- Swansea
- Damian
- Gladys
- Veneration
- Chlorine
- Constantine
- Tutor
- Minister
- Bishopric
- Bradford
- Penance
- Liam
- Scarlett
- Jones
- Incorporation
- Latina
- Divinity
- Hiram
- Coliseum
Pictures for the word «Deacon»
DEACON, noun. (Church history) A designated minister of charity in the early Church (see Acts 6:1-6).
DEACON, noun. (Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism) A clergyman ranked directly below a priest, with duties of helping the priests and carrying out parish work.
DEACON, noun. (Protestantism) Free Churches: A lay leader of a congregation who assists the pastor.
DEACON, noun. (Protestantism) Anglicanism: An ordained clergyman usually serving a year prior to being ordained presbyter, though in some cases they remain a permanent deacon.
DEACON, noun. (Protestantism) Methodism: A separate office from that of minister, neither leading to the other; instead there is a permanent deaconate.
DEACON, noun. (freemasonry) A junior lodge officer.
DEACON, noun. (Mormonism) The lowest office in the Aaronic priesthood, generally held by 12 or 13 year old boys or recent converts.
DEACON, noun. (US) (animal husbandry) A male calf of a dairy breed, so called because they are usually deaconed (see below).
DEACON, noun. (Scotland) The chairman of an incorporated company.
DEACON, verb. (Christianity) (music) For a choir leader to lead a hymn by speaking one or two lines at a time, which are then sung by the choir.
DEACON, verb. (US) (animal husbandry) To kill a calf shortly after birth.
DEACON, verb. (US) (slang) To place fresh fruit at the top of a barrel or other container, with spoiled or imperfect fruit hidden beneath.
DEACON, verb. (US) (slang) To make sly alterations to the boundaries of (land); to adulterate or doctor (an article to be sold), etc.
Dictionary definition
DEACON, noun. A Protestant layman who assists the minister.
DEACON, noun. A cleric ranking just below a priest in Christian churches; one of the Holy Orders.
Wise words
Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues,
and can moderate their desires more than their words.