Associations to the word «Cw»
- Overall
- Detecting
- Tacoma
- Monday
- Receiver
- Accelerator
- Nw
- Mode
- Agent
- Cathode
- Whitney
- Detection
- Fargo
- Transmitting
- Lexington
- Boise
- Feed
- Mb
- Nielsen
- Beacon
- Block
- Jd
- Dye
- Digital
- Detector
- Provider
- Cr
- Outing
- Monoplane
- Logo
- Tc
- Indianapolis
- Hartman
- Jennie
- Amplifier
- Am
- Ownership
- Db
- Cc
- Mars
- Crossover
- Airliner
- Ps
- Gb
- Precursor
- Jp
- Orr
- Doherty
- Predecessor
- Sw
- Antenna
- Fresno
- Resonance
- Vaughan
- Pilot
- Dc
- H2o
- Stephanie
- Comp
- September
- Owens
- Switch
- Encore
- Colonial
- Reflector
- Fm
- Option
- Duluth
- Show
- Raleigh
- Gs
- Jacobson
- Absorption
CW, symbol. (metrology) Symbol for the centiwatt, an SI unit of power equal to 10−2 watts.
CW COMPLEX, noun. (topology) A collection of balls of various dimensions, with higher-dimensional ones mapped along their respective boundaries to lower-dimensional ones.
CW COMPLEXES, noun. Plural of CW complex
Wise words
Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could
conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly
sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had
this power.