Associations to the word «Jennie»
- Garth
- Finch
- Susie
- Churchill
- Duane
- Randolph
- Linden
- Doherty
- Kidd
- Jerome
- Livingston
- Bessie
- Tori
- Ritter
- Winston
- Aunt
- Tucson
- Leary
- Softball
- Mae
- Wynn
- Snyder
- Higgins
- Ruth
- Mcgraw
- Married
- Barton
- Trout
- Portrait
- Beverly
- Cornwallis
- Olson
- Barron
- Malone
- Whitney
- Dorothy
- Goldstein
- Roarke
- Jennifer
- Helen
- Lee
- Riddle
- Housemate
- Lorenzo
- Matthias
- Alta
- Spiral
- Faye
- Augusta
- Haines
- Donnelly
- Cary
- Maureen
- Jenny
- Baroness
- Ariel
- Sherwood
- Melodrama
- Jane
- Hobart
- Amanda
- Nan
- Irene
- Mamma
- Dolan
- Roommate
- Hodge
- Hayden
- Denton
- Jessie
- Harriet
- Brenda
- Cello
- Wren
- Alligator
- Lass
- Annie
- Grandma
- Tyrone
- Marjorie
- Fanny
- Spelling
- Chum
- Becky
- Novella
- Emma
- Kelly
- Cw
- Cobb
- Actress
- Sibling
- Joyce
- Sumner
- Papa
- Miss
- Magnus
- Tiffany
- Clemens
JENNIE, proper noun. A diminutive of the female given names Jane and Jennifer, also used as a formal given name.
Wise words
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast
of the mind.