Associations to the word «Cuddy»


CUDDY, noun. (nautical) a cabin, for the use of the captain, in the after part of a sailing ship under the poop deck
CUDDY, noun. A small cupboard or closet
CUDDY, noun. (Scotland) A donkey, especially one driven by a huckster or greengrocer.
CUDDY, noun. (UK) (mining) A pony that works in a mine.
CUDDY, noun. (dated) A blockhead; a lout.
CUDDY, noun. A lever mounted on a tripod for lifting stones, leveling up railroad ties, etc.
CUDDY, noun. The coalfish (Pollachius carbonarius).

Dictionary definition

CUDDY, noun. The galley or pantry of a small ship.

Wise words

All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.
Ernest Hemingway