Associations to the word «Croquet»


CROQUET, noun. (uncountable) (games) A game played on a lawn, in which players use mallets to drive balls through hoops (wickets).
CROQUET, noun. (countable) (games) A shot in this game in which the striker's ball and another ball are moved by hitting the striker's ball when they have been placed in contact following a roquet.
CROQUET, noun. (countable) A croquette.
CROQUET, verb. (transitive) (games) To play a shot in the game of croquet in which the striker's ball and another ball are moved by hitting the striker's ball when they have been placed in contact following a roquet.
CROQUET MALLET, noun. (sports) The wooden mallet used in croquet to strike the ball

Dictionary definition

CROQUET, noun. A game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops; the winner is the first to traverse all the hoops and hit a peg.
CROQUET, verb. Drive away by hitting with one's ball, "croquet the opponent's ball".
CROQUET, verb. Play a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops.

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Blaise Pascal