Associations to the word «Crooked»
- Grin
- Narrow
- Smile
- Forefinger
- Gambler
- Straight
- Belisarius
- Cop
- Claw
- Finger
- Nose
- Bahamas
- Lance
- Creek
- Spire
- Bent
- Elbow
- Eyebrow
- Beak
- Alley
- Stick
- Steep
- Deformity
- Bluegrass
- Hump
- Cucumber
- Timber
- Lean
- Magician
- Visage
- Leg
- Dice
- Seam
- Plough
- Path
- Mouthful
- Maze
- Tributary
- Gambling
- Nail
- Talon
- Trunk
- Lane
- Scar
- Agatha
- Mouth
- Gangster
- Sherlock
- Shrug
- Headwater
- Serpent
- Scowl
- Fork
- Dealer
- Cane
- Girdle
- Weasel
- Street
- Passageway
- Turning
- Butte
- Stiff
CROOKED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of crook
CROOKED, adjective. Not straight; having one or more bends or angles.
CROOKED, adjective. Set at an angle; not vertical or square.
CROOKED, adjective. (figuratively) Dishonest or illegal; corrupt.
Dictionary definition
CROOKED, adjective. Having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned; "crooked country roads"; "crooked teeth".
CROOKED, adjective. Not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive.
CROOKED, adjective. Irregular in shape or outline; "asymmetrical features"; "a dress with a crooked hemline".
CROOKED, adjective. Having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect; "a little oldish misshapen stooping woman".
Wise words
Think twice before you speak, because your words and
influence will plant the seed of either success or failure
in the mind of another.