Associations to the word «Crew»


CREW, noun. A group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, or airplane.
CREW, noun. (plural: crew) A member of the crew of a vessel or plant.
CREW, noun. (obsolete) Any company of people; an assemblage; a throng.
CREW, noun. (nautical) (plural: crew) A member of a ship's company who is not an officer.
CREW, noun. (arts) The group of workers on a dramatic production who are not part of the cast.
CREW, noun. (arts) (plural: crew) A worker on a dramatic production who is not part of the cast.
CREW, noun. A group of people working together on a task.
CREW, noun. (informal) (often derogatory) A close group of friends.
CREW, noun. (often derogatory) A set of individuals lumped together by the speaker.
CREW, noun. (informal) A group of people, especially friends or associates.
CREW, noun. (slang) (hip-hop) A hip-hop group
CREW, noun. (sports) (rowing) (uncountable) The sport of competitive rowing.
CREW, noun. (rowing) A rowing team manning a single shell.
CREW, verb. (transitive and intransitive) To be a member of a vessel's crew
CREW, verb. To be a member of a work or production crew
CREW, verb. To supply workers or sailors for a crew
CREW, verb. (nautical) To do the proper work of a sailor
CREW, verb. (nautical) To take on, recruit (new) crew
CREW, verb. (British) (archaic) simple past tense of crow To have made the characteristic sound of a rooster.
CREW, noun. (British) (dialectal) A pen for livestock such as chickens or pigs
CREW, noun. The Manx shearwater.
CREW CAB, noun. A type of pickup truck with four full-sized doors
CREW CHIEF, noun. The leader or the head of a crew.
CREW CHIEF, noun. (sports) (chiefly US) the chief umpire, referee or other official.
CREW CHIEFS, noun. Plural of crew chief
CREW CUT, noun. A closely-cropped male haircut in which the hairs stick upward, like the short bristles of a brush.
CREW CUTS, noun. Plural of crew cut
CREW NECK, adjective. Referring to the collar of pullover garments, where the collar circles the neck, usually of sweaters and T-shirts. Often crew necked.
CREW NECK, adjective. Occasionally, a collar whose front is meant to ride up onto the neck, sometimes to Adam's apple level, more often termed as high crew.
CREW NECK, noun. Any garment with a crew neck.
CREW NECKS, noun. Plural of crew neck
CREW OVER, verb. Simple past tense of crow over

Dictionary definition

CREW, noun. The men and women who man a vehicle (ship, aircraft, etc.).
CREW, noun. An organized group of workmen.
CREW, noun. An informal body of friends; "he still hangs out with the same crowd".
CREW, noun. The team of men manning a racing shell.
CREW, verb. Serve as a crew member on.

Wise words

Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley