Associations to the word «Crediting»


CREDIT, verb. (transitive) To believe; to put credence in.
CREDIT, verb. (transitive) (accounting) To add to an account (confer debit.)
CREDIT, verb. (transitive) To acknowledge the contribution of.
CREDIT, verb. (transitive) To bring honour or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise the estimation of.
CREDIT, noun. Reliance on the truth of something said or done; faith; trust.
CREDIT, noun. (uncountable) Recognition and respect.
CREDIT, noun. (countable) Acknowledgement of a contribution, especially in the performing arts.
CREDIT, noun. (television/film) (usually plural) Written titles and other information about the TV program or movie shown at the beginning and/or end of the TV program or movie.
CREDIT, noun. (uncountable) (legal) (business) A privilege of delayed payment extended to a buyer or borrower on the seller's or lender's belief that what is given will be repaid.
CREDIT, noun. The time given for payment for something sold on trust.
CREDIT, noun. (uncountable) (US) A person's credit rating or creditworthiness, as represented by their history of borrowing and repayment (or non payment).
CREDIT, noun. (accounting) An addition to certain accounts.
CREDIT, noun. (tax accounting) A reduction in taxes owed, or a refund for excess taxes paid.
CREDIT, noun. A source of value, distinction or honour.
CREDIT, noun. An arbitrary unit of value, used in many token economies.
CREDIT, noun. (uncountable) Recognition for having taken a course (class).
CREDIT, noun. (countable) A course credit, a credit hour – used as measure if enough courses have been taken for graduation.
CREDIT CARD, noun. A plastic card, usually with a magnetic strip or an embedded microchip, connected to a credit account and used to buy goods or services.
CREDIT CARD TART, noun. (British) (informal) A rate tart.
CREDIT CARDS, noun. Plural of credit card
CREDIT COOKIE, noun. A short clip that appears during or after the closing credits of a film or video game, typically either humorous or setting up a possible sequel.
CREDIT COOKIES, noun. Plural of credit cookie
CREDIT CRUNCH, noun. (economics) (finance) A period of economic crisis in which credit and investment capital are difficult to obtain.
CREDIT CRUNCHES, noun. Plural of credit crunch
CREDIT DEFAULT OPTION, noun. (finance) A put option that makes a payoff in the event the issuer of a specified reference asset defaults.
CREDIT DEFAULT OPTIONS, noun. Plural of credit default option
CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP, noun. (finance) A credit derivative contract between two counterparties, whereby the buyer (seller of risk) makes periodic payments to the seller (buyer of risk) in exchange for the right to a payoff if there is a default or other credit event in respect of a third party called reference entity.
CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS, noun. Plural of credit default swap
CREDIT EVENT, noun. (finance) A significant default on a financial instrument or some other financial occurrence, such as bankruptcy, restructuring, repudiation, or moratorium, or failure to pay some other obligation, such as taxes.
CREDIT LIMIT, noun. (finance) (banking) The maximum amount of credit that a financial institution or other lender will extend to a debtor for a particular line of credit.
CREDIT LINE, noun. (publishing) A line of printed text attached to written material, an image, illustration, or the like, which identifies the author, photographer, or other source.
CREDIT LINE, noun. (finance) A line of credit.
CREDIT MULE, noun. Victim of fraud persuaded to use his own name and information to obtain an expensive item with credit contract attached, such as a smart phone. The victim, or "mule," is paid when he gives the item to the fraudster, and he is assured the contract will be cancelled, but it is not. Thus, the victim acquires a debt while the fraudster can sell the item at a large profit.
CREDIT MULES, noun. Plural of credit mule
CREDIT MULING, noun. Exploitation of a credit mule to perform a fraud.
CREDIT NOTE, noun. A monetary instrument issued by a seller that allows a buyer to purchase an item or service from that seller on a future date.
CREDIT RATING, noun. (finance) An estimate, based on a company, government or person's history of borrowing and repayment and/or available financial resources, that is used by creditors to determine the maximum amount of credit that can be extended without undue risk.
CREDIT RATINGS, noun. Plural of credit rating
CREDIT REFERENCE, noun. A person or business that can be contacted to validate or vouch for the credit applicant's ability to pay outstanding balances in a timely manner.
CREDIT REFERENCE, noun. The credit history of a person used as evidence of creditworthiness.
CREDIT REFERENCES, noun. Plural of credit reference
CREDIT REPORT, noun. (finance) A document of the history and current status of a borrower's credit standing, and may include identifying information, credit information, public-records information, recent inquiries and credit score.
CREDIT REPORTS, noun. Plural of credit report
CREDIT RISK, noun. (finance) The risk of loss due to a debtor's non-payment of a loan or other line of credit.
CREDIT SCORE, noun. (finance) A measure of credit risk, usually for a consumer, calculated from credit information using a standardized formula.
CREDIT SCORES, noun. Plural of credit score
CREDIT TRANSFER, noun. A method of payment in which an amount of money (credit) is transferred directly from one account to another, in the same or different bank
CREDIT UNION, noun. A financial cooperative similar to a bank but owned and controlled by its members, often restricted to a local area or sometimes to a single profession.
CREDIT UNIONS, noun. Plural of credit union

Dictionary definition

CREDIT, noun. Approval; "give her recognition for trying"; "he was given credit for his work"; "give her credit for trying".
CREDIT, noun. Money available for a client to borrow.
CREDIT, noun. An accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items.
CREDIT, noun. Used in the phrase `to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise; "she already had several performances to her credit";.
CREDIT, noun. Arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services.
CREDIT, noun. Recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours.
CREDIT, noun. A short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases".
CREDIT, noun. An entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work; "the credits were given at the end of the film".
CREDIT, noun. An estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments.
CREDIT, verb. Give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs".
CREDIT, verb. Ascribe an achievement to; "She was not properly credited in the program".
CREDIT, verb. Accounting: enter as credit; "We credit your account with $100".
CREDIT, verb. Have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of.

Wise words

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is love.