Associations to the word «Cozy»


COZY, adjective. Affording comfort and warmth; snug; social
COZY, noun. A padded or knit covering to keep an item warm, especially a teapot or egg.
COZY, noun. A padded or knit covering for any item (often an electronic device such as a laptop computer).
COZY, verb. To become snug and comfortable.
COZY, verb. To become friendly with.
COZY UP, verb. With "to", to ingratiate oneself (with someone).

Dictionary definition

COZY, noun. A padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm.
COZY, adjective. Enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space; "a cozy nook near the fire"; "snug in bed"; "a snug little apartment".
COZY, adjective. Having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere; "had a cozy chat"; "a relaxed informal manner"; "an intimate cocktail lounge"; "the small room was cozy and intimate".
COZY, adjective. Suggesting connivance; "a cozy arrangement with the police".

Wise words

More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the words men use.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery