Associations to the word «Cozy»


COZY, adjective. Affording comfort and warmth; snug; social
COZY, noun. A padded or knit covering to keep an item warm, especially a teapot or egg.
COZY, noun. A padded or knit covering for any item (often an electronic device such as a laptop computer).
COZY, verb. To become snug and comfortable.
COZY, verb. To become friendly with.
COZY UP, verb. With "to", to ingratiate oneself (with someone).

Dictionary definition

COZY, noun. A padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm.
COZY, adjective. Enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space; "a cozy nook near the fire"; "snug in bed"; "a snug little apartment".
COZY, adjective. Having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere; "had a cozy chat"; "a relaxed informal manner"; "an intimate cocktail lounge"; "the small room was cozy and intimate".
COZY, adjective. Suggesting connivance; "a cozy arrangement with the police".

Wise words

However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?