Associations to the word «Corrosive»


CORROSIVE, adjective. Eating away; having the power of gradually wearing, hanging, or destroying the texture or substance of a body; as the corrosive action of an acid.
CORROSIVE, adjective. Having the quality of fretting or vexing.
CORROSIVE, adjective. Destroying or undermining something gradually
CORROSIVE, noun. That which has the quality of eating or wearing away gradually.
CORROSIVE, noun. Any solid, liquid or gas capable of irreparably harming living tissues or damaging material on contact.
CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, noun. (chemistry) (obsolete) mercuric chloride

Dictionary definition

CORROSIVE, noun. A substance having the tendency to cause corrosion (such a strong acids or alkali).
CORROSIVE, adjective. Of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action.
CORROSIVE, adjective. Spitefully sarcastic; "corrosive cristism".

Wise words

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.