Associations to the word «Copperplate»


COPPERPLATE, noun. A copper plate, either etched or engraved, to make a recessed pattern.
COPPERPLATE, noun. A print made from such a plate.
COPPERPLATE, noun. A style of handwriting based on that used on such prints; English round hand.
COPPERPLATE, verb. To engrave on and print from a copperplate

Dictionary definition

COPPERPLATE, noun. A graceful style of handwriting based on the writing used on copperplate engravings.
COPPERPLATE, noun. A print made from an engraved copperplate.
COPPERPLATE, noun. An engraving consisting of a smooth plate of copper that has been etched or engraved.

Wise words

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
Leo Tolstoy