Associations to the word «Collet»


COLLET, noun. A band, flange, ferrule, or collar, usually of a hard material, especially a metal.
COLLET, noun. In particular, the rim (of a ring) within which a jewel is set. Compare bezel.
COLLET, noun. Horticulture: the transition zone on a plant between the root and the hypocotyl.
COLLET, noun. Alternative form of colet
COLLET, proper noun. A patronymic surname​.

Dictionary definition

COLLET, noun. A metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting.
COLLET, noun. A cone-shaped chuck used for holding cylindrical pieces in a lathe.
COLLET, noun. A band or collar that holds an individual stone in a jewelry setting.

Wise words

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou