Associations to the word «Chock»


CHOCK, noun. Any wooden block used as a wedge or filler
CHOCK, noun. (nautical) Any fitting or fixture used to restrict movement, especially movement of a line; traditionally was a fixture near a bulwark with two horns pointing towards each other, with a gap between where the line can be inserted.
CHOCK, noun. Blocks made of either wood, plastic or metal, used to keep a parked aircraft in position.
CHOCK, verb. (transitive) To stop or fasten, as with a wedge, or block; to scotch.
CHOCK, verb. (intransitive) To fill up, as a cavity.
CHOCK, verb. (nautical) To insert a line in a chock.
CHOCK, adverb. (nautical) Entirely; quite.
CHOCK, noun. (obsolete) An encounter.
CHOCK, verb. (obsolete) To encounter.
CHOCK, verb. To make a dull sound.
CHOCK A BLOCK, adjective. Alternative form of chockablock
CHOCK A BLOCK, adverb. Alternative form of chockablock
CHOCK FULL, adjective. (informal) Containing the maximum amount possible, flush on all sides, jam-packed, crammed.

Dictionary definition

CHOCK, noun. A block of wood used to prevent the sliding or rolling of a heavy object.
CHOCK, verb. Secure with chocks.
CHOCK, verb. Support on chocks; "chock the boat".
CHOCK, adverb. As completely as possible; "it was chock-a-block full".

Wise words

It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.