Associations to the word «Chant»
- Blacksmith
- Minstrel
- Humming
- Veda
- Cappella
- Canto
- Ea
- Rosary
- Jai
- Liber
- Sing
- Cheers
- Repertoire
- Clap
- Tiding
- Charlemagne
- Mob
- Syriac
- Repetition
- Ordinary
- Proper
- Communion
- Wail
- Suck
- Hail
- Su
- Altar
- Le
- Pali
- Improvisation
- Trois
- Rhyme
- Syllable
- Lament
- Shankar
- Tahiti
- Coffin
- Tenor
- Zulu
- Cheer
- Les
- Banner
- Riff
- Shout
- Benedictine
- Flute
- Candle
- Lay
- Fugue
- Solemnity
- Easter
- Buddhism
- Priestess
- Dead
- Trance
- Sufi
- Conte
- Funeral
- Chime
- Stanza
- Supporter
- Dom
- Bard
- Des
CHANT, verb. To sing, especially without instruments, and as applied to monophonic and pre-modern music.
CHANT, verb. To sing or intone sacred text.
CHANT, noun. Type of singing done generally without instruments and harmony.
CHANT, noun. (music) A short and simple melody, divided into two parts by double bars, to which unmetrical psalms, etc., are sung or recited. It is the most ancient form of choral music.
CHANT, noun. Twang; manner of speaking; a canting tone.
CHANT, noun. A repetitive song, typically an incantation or part of a ritual.
CHANT ROYAL, noun. A complicated French poetic form, a variation of the ballad form, consisting of five eleven-line stanzas with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-b-c-c-d-d-e-d-E and a five-line envoi rhyming d-d-e-d-E or a seven-line envoi c-c-d-d-e-d-E. Rhyming words cannot be repeated.
Dictionary definition
CHANT, noun. A repetitive song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone.
CHANT, verb. Recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm; "The rabbi chanted a prayer".
CHANT, verb. Utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically; "The students chanted the same slogan over and over again".
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.