Associations to the word «Business»
- Restructuring
- Grocer
- Logistics
- Bankruptcy
- Provider
- Workplace
- Plumbing
- Employer
- Selling
- Valuation
- Vendor
- Workforce
- Industry
- Trading
- Corporation
- Shop
- Downtown
- Boutique
- Professional
- Ceo
- Irs
- Mortgage
- Legal
- Creditor
- Tax
- Shopkeeper
- Telecommunication
- Subsidiary
- Productivity
- Revenue
- Proprietor
- Acquisition
- Entity
- Hiring
- Dividend
- Buyer
- Monopoly
- Employment
- Healthcare
- Portfolio
- Foundry
- Expertise
- Merchandise
- Client
- Technology
- Company
- Apprenticeship
- Saving
- Trade
- Sell
- Technical
- Internship
- Leverage
- Market
- Merchant
- Audit
- Taxation
- Ness
- Deduction
- Holding
- Taxpayer
- Distributor
- Compliance
- Siemens
- Lobbying
- Insider
BUSINESS, noun. (countable) A specific commercial enterprise or establishment.
BUSINESS, noun. (countable) A person's occupation, work, or trade.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) Commercial, industrial, or professional activity.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) The volume or amount of commercial trade.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) One's dealings; patronage.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) Private commercial interests taken collectively.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) The management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management.
BUSINESS, noun. (countable) A particular situation or activity.
BUSINESS, noun. (countable) An objective or a matter needing to be dealt with.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) Something involving one personally.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) (parliamentary procedure) Matters that come before a body for deliberation or action.
BUSINESS, noun. (travel) (uncountable) Business class, the class of seating provided by airlines between first class and coach.
BUSINESS, noun. (acting) Action carried out with a prop or piece of clothing, usually away from the focus of the scene.
BUSINESS, noun. (countable) (rare) The collective noun for a group of ferrets.
BUSINESS, noun. (uncountable) (slang) (British) Something very good; top quality. (possibly from "the bee's knees")
BUSINESS, noun. (slang) (uncountable) Excrement, particularly that of a non-human animal.
BUSINESS, adjective. Of, to, pertaining to or utilized for purposes of conducting trade, commerce, governance, advocacy or other professional purposes.
BUSINESS, adjective. Professional, businesslike, having concern for good business practice.
BUSINESS, adjective. Supporting business, conducive to the conduct of business.
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, noun. (business) (education) A course of study in higher education intended to prepare the students for a career in business.
BUSINESS ANALYST, noun. (business) (operations) A person who analyzes the operations of an organization in order to develop a solution to its problems.
BUSINESS ANALYSTS, noun. Plural of business analyst
BUSINESS ARCHITECT, noun. Someone who designs and develops a company's business architecture
BUSINESS ARCHITECTS, noun. Plural of business architect
BUSINESS AS USUAL, noun. (idiomatic) The normal course of an activity, particularly in circumstances that are out of the ordinary.
BUSINESS AS USUAL, noun. (idiomatic) The normal execution of standard functional operations within an organisation, particularly in contrast to a project or program which would introduce change (although that change may itself become business as usual).
BUSINESS CARD, noun. A small card with a person’s name and professional information (such as occupation, business phone number, e-mail address, etc.).
BUSINESS CARDS, noun. Plural of business card
BUSINESS CASE, noun. (business) A reason for doing something; an explanation of the benefit of some course of action to a business.
BUSINESS CASES, noun. Plural of business case
BUSINESS CASUAL, noun. Any standard of dress used in many business environments that does not include a business suit and tie and excludes certain casual clothes.
BUSINESS CLASS, noun. A high-quality class of travelling (especially in airlines), higher than economy class or budget, lower than first class.
BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING, noun. An interdisciplinary concept used to create and validate a practiced logistical plan for how an organisation will recover and restore partially or completely interrupted critical (urgent) function(s) within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption.
BUSINESS CYCLE, noun. (economics) A long-term fluctuation in economic activity between growth and recession
BUSINESS DAY, noun. An official working day.
BUSINESS DAYS, noun. Plural of business day
BUSINESS ECONOMICS, noun. (economics) The buying and selling of products from an economical view, dealing with the making, the distribution, and the usage of the product.
BUSINESS END, noun. (idiomatic) The part of a tool or other similar item, that is physically used for its operation, rather than the part which is held.
BUSINESS ETHICS, noun. (ethics) The branch of ethics that examines questions of moral right and wrong arising in the context of business practice or theory.
BUSINESS GIRL, noun. A young woman employed in business or office work.
BUSINESS GIRL, noun. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) A prostitute.
BUSINESS GIRLS, noun. Plural of business girl
BUSINESS HOURS, noun. The hours and days when a given business is available to the public.
BUSINESS HOURS, noun. The hours and days when businesses generally operate; 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday.
BUSINESS INDEX, proper noun. (economics) Short for ease of doing business index.
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, noun. Any information that pertains to the history, current status or future projections of a business organization.
BUSINESS LOGIC, noun. (computing) Algorithms in a software system that models real life business objects and their interactions.
BUSINESS LUNCH, noun. Lunch where business is discussed, which can be written off as a business expense.
BUSINESS MODEL, noun. The particular way in which a business organization ensures that it generates income, one that includes the choice of offerings, strategies, infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practices, and operational processes and policies.
BUSINESS PARK, noun. An area of land consisting solely of commercial buildings and enterprises, as opposed to industrial or residential concerns.
BUSINESS PARKS, noun. Plural of business park
BUSINESS PLAN, noun. (business) A summary of how a business owner, manager, or entrepreneur intends to organize an entrepreneurial endeavor and implement activities necessary and sufficient for the venture to succeed.
BUSINESS PLANS, noun. Plural of business plan
BUSINESS RECORD, noun. A recording of business dealings that must be retrievable at a later date so that the business dealings can be accurately reviewed as required.
BUSINESS TRIP, noun. Travel for business purposes, often paid for at least partially by the employer.
BUSINESS VENTURE, noun. A business enterprise in which the expectation of gain is accompanied by the risk of loss or failure
Dictionary definition
BUSINESS, noun. A commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his brother's business"; "a small mom-and-pop business"; "a racially integrated business concern".
BUSINESS, noun. The activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects; "computers are now widely used in business".
BUSINESS, noun. The principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business".
BUSINESS, noun. A rightful concern or responsibility; "it's none of your business"; "mind your own business".
BUSINESS, noun. An immediate objective; "gossip was the main business of the evening".
BUSINESS, noun. The volume of commercial activity; "business is good today"; "show me where the business was today".
BUSINESS, noun. Business concerns collectively; "Government and business could not agree".
BUSINESS, noun. Customers collectively; "they have an upper class clientele".
BUSINESS, noun. Incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect; "his business with the cane was hilarious".
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