Associations to the word «Angered»
- Fear
- Poseidon
- Zeus
- Frustration
- Resentment
- Sadness
- Outburst
- Indignation
- Hatred
- Disgust
- Jealousy
- Bitterness
- Impatience
- Greed
- Lust
- Grief
- Envy
- Wrath
- Emotion
- Rage
- Aggression
- Sorrow
- Fit
- Vent
- Embarrassment
- Humiliation
- Shame
- Disbelief
- Matron
- Contempt
- Scorn
- Arousal
- Outrage
- Guilt
- Disdain
- Betrayal
- Despair
- Provocation
- Refusal
- Irritation
- Surge
- Fury
- Disappointment
- Fright
- Displeasure
- Remorse
- Anxiety
- Colonist
- Dismay
- Malice
- Annoyance
- Snarl
- Pity
- Flash
- Flushing
- Vengeance
- Weariness
Pictures for the word «Angered»
ANGER, noun. A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm.
ANGER, noun. (obsolete) Pain or stinging.
ANGER, verb. (transitive) To cause such a feeling of antagonism.
ANGER, verb. (intransitive) To become angry.
ANGER MANAGEMENT, noun. The ability for a person to control his/her temperament, particularly in stressful situations; to show proper behavior and/or disagree appropriately without losing control of one's emotions.
Dictionary definition
ANGER, noun. A strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance.
ANGER, noun. The state of being angry.
ANGER, noun. Belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins).
ANGER, verb. Make angry; "The news angered him".
ANGER, verb. Become angry; "He angers easily".
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.