Associations to the word «Shame»
- Humiliation
- Guilt
- Cowardice
- Disgrace
- Reproach
- Ridicule
- Scorn
- Repentance
- Adultery
- Knighthood
- Cheek
- Anguish
- Punishment
- Sorrow
- Pride
- Anger
- Insult
- Weakness
- Rage
- Sexuality
- Deed
- Contempt
- Fear
- Ain
- Sob
- Rape
- Felt
- Tear
- Remorse
- Wilt
- Feel
- Countenance
- Expose
- Tis
- Shame
- Nom
- Embarrassment
- Stigma
- Modesty
- Naming
- Indignation
- Grief
- Blame
- Overlord
- Misery
- Dread
- Renie
- Disgust
- Agony
- Sin
- Rebuke
- Reminder
- Pang
- Offender
- Regret
- Torment
- Mockery
- Bastard
- Bitterness
- Sadness
- Seclusion
- Blot
- Pity
SHAME, noun. Uncomfortable or painful feeling due to recognition or consciousness of impropriety, dishonor, or other wrong in the opinion of the person experiencing the feeling. It is caused by awareness of exposure of circumstances of unworthiness or of improper or indecent conduct.
SHAME, noun. Something to regret.
SHAME, noun. Reproach incurred or suffered; dishonour; ignominy; derision.
SHAME, noun. The cause or reason of shame; that which brings reproach and ignominy.
SHAME, noun. (archaic) That which is shameful and private, especially body parts.
SHAME, interjection. A cry of admonition for the subject of a speech, often used reduplicated, especially in political debates.
SHAME, interjection. (South Africa) Expressing sympathy.
SHAME, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To feel shame, be ashamed.
SHAME, verb. (transitive) To cause to feel shame.
SHAME, verb. To cover with reproach or ignominy; to dishonor; to disgrace.
SHAME, verb. (obsolete) To mock at; to deride.
SHAME ON YOU, interjection. An expression of disapproval.
Dictionary definition
SHAME, noun. A painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt.
SHAME, noun. A state of dishonor; "one mistake brought shame to all his family"; "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison".
SHAME, noun. An unfortunate development; "it's a pity he couldn't do it".
SHAME, verb. Bring shame or dishonor upon; "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime".
SHAME, verb. Compel through a sense of shame; "She shamed him into making amends".
SHAME, verb. Cause to be ashamed.
SHAME, verb. Surpass or beat by a wide margin.
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