Associations to the word «Grieve»


GRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To cause sorrow or distress to.
GRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To feel very sad about; to mourn; to sorrow for.
GRIEVE, verb. (intransitive) To experience grief.
GRIEVE, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To harm.
GRIEVE, verb. (transitive) To submit or file a grievance.
GRIEVE, noun. (obsolete) A governor of a town or province.
GRIEVE, noun. (chiefly Scotland) A manager or steward, e.g. of a farm.

Dictionary definition

GRIEVE, verb. Feel grief.
GRIEVE, verb. Cause to feel sorrow; "his behavior grieves his mother".

Wise words

All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.
Ernest Hemingway