Associations to the word «Ale»
- Cinnamon
- Plum
- Sup
- Matilda
- Nectar
- Cascade
- Vanilla
- Barak
- Jest
- Mixer
- Trough
- Slice
- Tradesman
- Milk
- Heather
- Taste
- Goat
- Tub
- Nsw
- Mustard
- Pitcher
- Garion
- Champagne
- Thom
- Vodka
- Ala
- Ox
- Craft
- Tam
- Ingredient
- Lime
- Peck
- Blonde
- Bench
- Saucer
- Brand
- Puddle
- Flip
- Modus
- Harvest
- Cu
- Chop
- Gossip
- Hemp
- Ate
- Cola
- Reaper
- Bring
- Stink
- Refrigerator
- Swine
- Pastry
- Sugar
- Hawthorn
- Banquet
- Turnip
- Expectancy
- Hostess
- Artisan
- Stool
- Pork
- Brewster
- Xx
- Herring
- Mclaughlin
- Specialty
- Butt
- Shovel
- Cherry
- Golden
- Apple
ALE, noun. (dated) A beer made without hops.
ALE, noun. A beer produced by so-called warm fermentation and not pressurized.
ALE, noun. A festival in English country places, so called from the liquor drunk.
ALE POST, noun. A post displaying a pub sign; an alestake.
ALE POSTS, noun. Plural of ale post
ALE SILVER, noun. (historical) A duty payable to the Lord Mayor of London by the sellers of ale within the city.
Dictionary definition
ALE, noun. A general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast; in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume.
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.